Kingswood Village Quiz – September Answers

Please find below the answers to the Family Quiz, which appeared in the September edition of the Village Voice.

Family Quiz Answers

  1. Which king of England is depicted on the Kingswood Village signs – Henry the Second
  2. How many tennis courts are there at Kingswood Lawn Tennis club – Five
  3. Which London station is the final destination for the majority of trains from Kingswood – London Bridge
  4. What animal lives in a warren – Rabbits
  5. When is Saint Monica’s Feast Day – 4th May
  6. How many estate agents are there in Kingswood – two
  7. When was Saint Andrew’s church built – 1835 and extended in 1852
  8. What was the original name of the railway when Kingswood station was first opened – the Chipstead Valley Railway Line
  9. What organisation was based in Kingswood Warren until 2010 – the BBC
  10. What does KADDS stand for – Kingswood Amateur Dance and Drama

Sarah Wilson