Welcome to the Kingswood Village website.
Here we give useful information about Kingswood, Surrey. You should be able to find almost anything that you want to know about the village; its history, services and contact information for the people who lead the various groups and associations that help to maintain village life.
Latest Village News

Help required for Kingswood Village WI
Please could anyone help with setting out (and putting away) tables and chairs? Kingswood Village WI meets at the village hall on the first Thursday of every month (except August) at 1.45pm. We are in desperate need of someone to come each month at 1pm to put the tables and chairs out for us and

KADDS production – Alice in Wonderland
Tickets are available from www.ticketsource.co.uk/kadds and from Kingswood Village Store, Waterhouse Lane.

Kingswood Village Litter Pick – Sunday 7th January at 10.30am
Litter Pickers invite you to join in this Sunday 7 January We hope you all had a great Xmas and Happy New Year. We’re planning our first litter pick for 2024 next Sunday, 7th January at 10:30 and hope you can make it! The plan is to meet at Waterhouse Cafe, where our kit is

Waterhouse Cafe Petition – Final Update
The KVCA and the KRA have been working together to try to ensure that we continue to have a café in Kingswood, given the application to redevelop the building which houses the Waterhouse Café. The KVCA has been successful in its application to have Waterhouse Café listed as an Asset of Community Value – the

Kingswood Poppy Appeal 2023
November 2023 Kingswood Poppy Appeal 2023 To The Residents and Businesses of Kingswood. To not only meet but exceed your targets on The Kingswood Poppy Appeal, is exceptional and we cannot thank you enough. The £1620.00 plus the gift aid of £358.75 brings the total raised to £1978.75. These funds will be used to

Waterhouse Cafe Update
The KVCA and the KRA have been working together to try to ensure that we continue to have a café in Kingswood, given the application to redevelop the building which houses the Waterhouse Café. The KVCA has been successful in its application to have Waterhouse Café listed as an Asset of Community Value – the

Atlantis Live At Christmas – Saturday 2nd December 2023
Tickets £12.50 available from Kingswood Village Store, Waterhouse Lane, Kingswood. Or www.ticketsource.co.uk/kvca

Kingswood Poppy Appeal for The Royal British Legion
Caroline Neame reports: I’m sure you have seen our giant poppies on A217 and in the village. We have reached our initial target of £1050 which is great news! However, when we tried to extend the date, the page closed down! This money has definitely gone to RBL but we have opened a new donation

The Kingswood Poppy Appeal 2023 via Just Giving
The Residents and Businesses of Kingswood would like to show their gratitude to the servicemen and women who have sacrificed so much to keep us safe. To show our thanks we will be sponsoring 100 giant poppies along the A217, the Kingswood Village Parade and the centrepiece of our display will be the Village

Waterhouse Café Petition – reminder to sign
The petition in support of Waterhouse Café has attracted over 400 signatures by the start of October, but we would like the number to be even higher. Please add your name and ask friends and family to do so. _____________________________________________________ SAVE OUR CAFÉ There is a Planning Application pending to redevelop the site of the current

Waterhouse Café Petition – Save our Cafe
There is a Planning Application pending to redevelop the site of the current Waterhouse Café. The Café has become an integral part of our village which we wish to preserve. PLEASE Sign OUR ONLINE petition by scanning the QR code or click HERE – then add your name to the petition email and press send. Thank

WATERHOUSE CAFÉ is of value to our community
WATERHOUSE CAFÉ is of value to our community Many residents of Kingswood will be aware that a planning application has been submitted for the redevelopment of the sites occupied by Waterhouse Café and by the former No 12 Restaurant. We want to make sure that the relevant parties and authorities who will make a decision about this or